Conference on Erasmus+ Project For Children With Autism Has Been Held

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Otizmli Çocuklar İçin Geliştirilen Erasmus + Projesinin Konferansı Gerçekleşti

The conference on the project titled “Developing New Software For Psychomotor Reeducation Of Children With Autism” was held at the Faculty of Education Conference Hall. This Project has been conducted by Dr. Nergis Ramo Akgün, Asst. Prof., Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education at COMU, and assisted by Prof. Dr. Ahmet Evren Erginal and Prof. Dr. Salih Zeki Genç. 

Faculties of education in universities from Macedonia, Bulgaria and COMU have contributed to this project aiming to improve psychomotor skills of children who need lifelong special education provided by their teachers and families so that they can be more successful in their educational and social life.