ÇOMU Earned A Place in The 3 Categories of The First 500 Universities of SCImago World University Rankings

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ÇOMÜ SCImago Dünya Üniversiteler Sıralamasında 3 Kategoride İlk 500’e Girdi!

SCImagoInstitutionsRankings (SIR), which is published by SCImago Laboratories in collaboration with Elsevier and considered to be the most objective global rankings system that includes institutions which conduct research based studies, announced the 2022 results. In the announced list, together with the 4 thousand 364 higher education institutions from around the world there were in total 8 thousand 84 academia and research based institutions and among them only 132 universities were included from Turkey in the rankings. 

According to the 2022 ranking results, which grouped under three different categories (research, innovation and social impact) and consisted of the methodology using 17 markers, COMU became a success by earning a place in three different categories of the first 500 of the SCImagoInstitutionsRankings 2022 -World University Rankings. 

ÇOMÜ by earning the 244th place in the SCImagoInstitutionsRankings 2022 -World University Social Impact Rankings, the 425th place in Innovation Rankings, and the 436th place in Research Rankings, became one of the first 500 universities in 3 different categories. Also, in the SCImagoInstitutionsRankings 2022-World Rankings, ÇOMÜ earned a place in the first 650 rankings for the 6 Scientific Field, in Turkey Rankings earned the 49th place, and in World Universities- All field Rankings it earned the 722nd place. 

Moreover, while ÇOMÜ earned the 251st place in the QS Middle East Rankings, according to UNİAR 2021 State Universities Satisfaction Rankings, it also moved from 11th place in 2020 to 9th place in 2021 and earned its place in the first 10 state universities.